Qualified Disaster Payments to Employees During COVID-19

§139 of the Internal Revenue Code (the “Code and if you ever tried to read it you will know why they call it Code)”) excludes from a taxpayer’s gross income certain payments to individuals to reimburse or pay for expenses related to a qualified disaster. CONVID-19 is considered a Qualified Disaster in all states…. A […]

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Why does the 1040 reflect a different figure than the K-1?

Sometimes the loss on the K-1 is not totally deducted on the 1040 due to basis limitation…. And the unused basis limitation is carried forward in those computations.  i.e.   You put $10k into new business. The business has a loss of $12k on the first K-1                 BUT the 1040 will only show up to […]

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GILTI – be careful – international investments

You may be subject to GILTI if: U.S. Shareholder – United States Person (citizens, residents, domestic entities) owning at least 10%, directly or indirectly, of the foreign corporation’s voting stock or value (Prior toTCJA only consideration was voting stock). Controlled Foreign Corporation (CFC) – any foreign corporation of which more than 50% of the vote or value is owned by U.S. shareholders on any day during a given year. […]

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