Minimum Wage 2011

For wages earned starting 6/1/2011 Florida employers must start paying their employees $7.31 per hour. This is an increase of $.06 over the current minimum wage of $7.25 per hour. Tipped employees must be paid an hourly rate of $4.29 per hour on wages earned starting 6/1/2011. Please visit the website for more information. […]

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IRPAC – when did this start?

IRPAC (Information Reporting Program Advisory Committee) was established in 1991 as a result of an administrative recommendation contained in the final conference report for the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1989. The recommendation suggested that the IRS consider “the creation of an advisory group of representatives from the payer community and practitioners interested in the […]

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Not all Bush Tax Cuts extended…..

You heard Bush tax cuts were extended BUT did you know……… it excluded more than 70 temporary programs from the bill, including federal subsidies for state and local borrowing (Build America Bonds), a sales tax deduction for new cars and trucks (although you can deduct sales tax paid in 2010 for a 2009 purchase), a […]

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For well over a year we have had a scrolling alert on our main website about this issue…. here is State of Florida’s latest web post….. CONSUMER ALERT! Arvitas, LLC is a private company sending e-mails to businesses in Florida offering to file annual reports. ARVITAS IS NOT AN AGENT OR REPRESENTATIVE FOR THE FLORIDA DEPT. […]


2010 Tax Return due April 18th, not 15th!

Taxpayers will have until Monday, April 18 to file their 2010 tax returns and pay any tax due because Emancipation Day is a holiday observed in the District of Columbia. It is on April 15th, so by law, DC’s holidays impact tax deadlines in the same way that federal holidays do; everyone (persoal tax returns, not corporate) […]

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Health Insurance goes on W2 in 2011!

There is a lot of mis-information out there about Health Insurance being taxable…….. Starting in 2011, (next year folks), your W-2 tax form sent by your employer will beincreased to show the value of whatever health insurance you are given by the company. It does not matter if that’s a private concern or governmental body […]

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S Corp Shareholder Sells – Short Year Accounting

Taxpayer decided to sell his stock in the company, as opposed to an asset sale. This means the buyer has the responsibility to prepare the corporate tax return. Taxpayer has agreed to do an accounting of the year up to the date of sale and present this information to the buyer. In the contract, please […]

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