Social Security in 2013 – How Much can I earn without reducing SSoc Pmt

if you were born January 2, 1943, through January 1, 1955, then your full retirement age for retirement insurance benefits is 66. If you work and are full retirement age or older, you may keep all of your benefits, no matter how much you earn. If you are younger than full retirement age, there is a limit to how much you can earn and still receive full Social Security benefits.

What is the maximum amount I can earn and still receive full Social Security benefits for 2013?

If under your Full Retirement Age (FRA), benefits are reduced by $1 for each $2 earned over $15,120.

If you reach Full Retirement Age (FRA) in 2013, (in the months up to reaching FRA only), benefits are reduced by $1 for each $3 earned over $40,080.

For the month in which you reach Full Retirement Age and beyond, there is no reduction to your Social Security benefits regarding of your earnings.

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